
這兩天 沒有來由的 思緒全是些很負面的 幾乎懷疑我有燥慾頃向!
是自私也好 因為我本來就是那種習慣一個人自私過日子的人 我不喜歡付出 我喜歡為自己 我喜歡就自己. 但是我卻很久沒辦法自私過日子 為自己 就自己 只是認了命的努力付出.
我不否認有了Jimmy 和 龐龐是美好的 但是現在的我累了 好累… , 自問自答的想著 我的人生如果能夠重來選擇 我要不婚 不生 我要自由.


A kotatsu (炬燵) is a low, wooden table frame covered by a heavy blanket. Underneath is a heat source, often built into the table itself. In the summer, the blanket may be removed and the kotatsu can be used as a normal table.

The Kotatsu we have which was imported from Japan, given by my aunt as a house warming gift years ago. Although I think the design of the table is not matching well with my home decor and kept it in our storage for most of the time, winter is really a great time of using and enjoying it. We normally sit on the floor with our legs (or most of our body if napping) under the table with the blanket draped over the lower body. Though this only heats up the lower body, it can keep one quite comfortable even in an unheated/under-heated room.

Most Japanese housing is un- or under-insulated, and they rely primarily on space heating. Heat is expensive because of the lack of insulation, and the draftiness of housing. A kotatsu is a relatively inexpensive way to stay warm in the winter, as the blankets trap the warm air.

Come and visit us during winter, you will get to experience it and probably fall in love with it just like we do.

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Giving Thanks – 友誼萬歲!!

Thanks to Charlene and DarShan, for a great time being together on Thanksgiving dinner 11/22/07. I appreciate all your compliments and recognitions. It is always wonderful to hear such and makes all my hard work paid off. Thanks to Sean and Serene for being so sweet and paitient to Nio.
Thanks to Annie and Chi, for having us over on Friday, 11/23/07. We had spent a few good hours there with you said simple but I said nutritious food, your said small yet I said very cozy home. Thanks to Aiden for playing Wii with Nio and keeping Nio occupied.
Thanks to Judy, Rick, and Yung, for outing Friday dinner, and Saturday Dim-sum with us. The beautiful food made me forget about my healthy diet plan for the past three weeks… all I could say is that our time with you were a mighty "barbarian" fun, ha-ha!
Thanks to Ada and Leslie, for coming over to visit all the way last night, 11/24/07. You two are always the very best listeners, and we could never have enough time to talk more. Btw, your imported Rose cookies are indeed delicious, yum yum~~ savory, tasty, flavorful, yet fleshy, fatty, if not fattening….
Hallelujah~ Celebrate friendships!! Hallelujah~~ Celebrate a new born weight-gained me!!
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Hiden Gem – 高點烘焙

哈哈哈 一邊吃這現做的 Tiramisu 一邊不禁停不住點頭微笑 連Nio都愛不釋"口" 頻頻"Yum Yum Yum~"Yum不斷 以前就聽說過這家"高點烘焙" 昨天又聽朋友提起 這下毫不遲疑的馬上去訂了一個 今天中午去"提貨" 回家等不及Jimmy下班 就和Nio迫不及待的開始瓜分起來 還是Nio有心 看我切了這麼大一塊 叫我要留一點給Daddy 還有連還遠在國外的爺爺 奶奶 舅舅 河馬姨都說要和他們Share (汗顏啊 我只想到吃 不過反向思考; 看! 我教孩子教的多好 想的這麼周到)
聽說很多餐廳的蛋糕 也都是跟它進貨喔 像小台北的芳苑的TIRAMISU就是出自高點烘焙 高師傅標榜當天現做的 真是的非常的新鮮 非常的入口即化 不甜不膩 雖然TIRAMISU切面看起來很簡單 只有二層一樣的東西疊在一起 但是 神了勒~ 真的很好吃耶!! 看起來簡樸 嚐起來卻是奢華
八吋的TIRAMISU要價$24 要說貴也沒有很貴 最重要的是有夠好吃 在配上一杯desert wine…..減肥那檔事現在先別提來煞風景呗~ 去 去
高點烘焙  (510) 429-8946
1655 Whipple Road, #18
Hayward, CA 94544
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Gingerbread House Party over the weekend~

I found that Korean Bimbimba, Tofu soup, and Seafood pancakes are not only very presentational but also satisfying my guests’ appetites. 食神,Simon, ever told me what a healthy balance meal should contain all colors, red, yellow, green, white, and black. Here, I managed 8 different toppings for my Bimbimba, including carrots, soybean sprout, lettuce, egg, chicken, beef, mushrooms, and black fungus, alone with mix grains. Although it requires a great amount of time on preparing, it all got paid off when people finished the plate and could have more.
We decided not to waste a bit of this pleasant day, nice and warm, we stepped out to the backyard after lunch meanwhile helping "building" children’s Gingerbread houses. Irene, Annie, and I got so involved, we had so much fun, I guess more than the kids, ha…
Well, Daniel was busy eating his candies and house though, cute~
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終於我又是臺灣人了 從來沒想到自己會這麼需要這本臺灣護照 雖然前後花了我不少時間 還遠赴臺灣 無功而返 再接再厲跑美國警察局 之後辦事處等等…. 
總而言之 亞洲在強大 尤其大陸 沒臺灣護照 就沒台胞證 等於外國人 很多"國人"利益免談 拿美國和加拿大護照的人 限制尤其多 這年頭 多一本總比少一本好呗!

Thank you & bye-bye, Coach Jessica

Jessica is a dashing and enthusiastic young lady who works in Union City Sports Center. She is also Nio’s coach at his sports class. Nio adores Jessica, he even talks about coach Jessica after class.
Today is the last day of the class meeting, Nio and Jessica both hugged each other and Nio offered to help Jessica to clean up. Coach Jessica mentioned that Nio is a very sweet boy throughout the whole session which makes me a really proud mom 🙂
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Housewives, Not Desperate! – 無慾望師奶

去上海之前沒想到的 離開上海之後不敢想的 "台媽溫情" 今天重溫到了 好開心喔 讓我再次愛上處在台媽中的感覺 台媽們就是可愛! 回家跟下班的Jimmy分享今天的"收穫" Jimmy笑著說:"妳們再多聚會幾次 就可以開拍 Desperate Housewives season 4 了"
Well, 那選角前, 讓我先減重成功再說.
PS. 買了支Pop "Corn" 放進Brown Bag裏 Microwave 2 min 灑點調味 就是Made from Scratch 的Popcorns囉!!
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Party Animals?!! mm… Not exactly… 只是我們喜歡"人", 喜歡熱鬧, 連Nio一到weekend就期待有Party.
一如往常 這個Weekend也安排好了活動 由於每個月第二個星期六是Bay Area Kids Discovery Museum的免票日 於是情商Michelle"外借"了Traivs. 這次讓Nio有伴前去 發現若是要有兩個孩子 我和Jimmy竟然能在車上"久違"的"無障礙"聊聊天….  well…想這些有啥用 再生又不能馬上讓老二速長到會陪Nio談天玩樂… 阿彌陀佛~四大皆空啊~
星期天 請了3對"married with children"的新朋, Charlene & Sharon, 舊友, Ruby 來家裏聊"家"常…這時很自然的– kids to kids, husbands to husbands, and wives to wives, 自動分開成三大區進行小組討論 挺是有趣的 比較不妙的是常常訓誡自己事事要低調的我 今天依然大破功 十八般武藝全都掀上台面 唉…. 真是壞毛病喔~~~ 阿彌陀佛~ 空不了啊空…
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十月亞洲 – 美食地圖

香港"B仔涼粉"的亞答子、芒果、草莓甜品、加上雞翅尖,是我從沒嚐過的美味, 要上飛機前,還專門去打包。 這次住的Hotel叫黃金海岸,真的很海岸,many thumbs up!! 
臺灣的平溪有機山菜 、陽明山"食養山房"的懷石養生料理、台北車站凱撒飯店的Buffet、永和二姨媽家的Home Cook、 中和的大鼎活蝦、南京東"桐花315"的客家精緻料理、台中的道地台菜、Mosburger的米漢堡、除了士林的"便所"餐讓我食慾不振外,樣樣都叫現在的我有如做無期徒刑般, 想念想念想念….卻卻卻卻…又吃不到….
請參照相簿,包準你和我一樣,垂涎三尺,然後….萬念俱灰…. 吃不到吃不到吃不到!!!!!!!!!!!! 真羨慕住亞洲的人,最氣的是,那些人還吃不胖!!!
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Louis Vuitton MJ Party – 11/03/07

Had this so-called famous Louis Vuitton MJ for over an year, finally got to play it tonight. Ever since June, after I told dino Wayne about my LV MJ, he has been anxious to see it.

So we had fun tonight playing, and I couldn’t get enough of it since I was the biggest loser. Karen was the winner, followed by Wayne, Jytao, and me….
I was really happy to see Jytao after so many years, he was our best man, and we haven’t seen him since our wedding 12/31/2001.
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