Nio had a marvelous 9th birthday! 6/23/2012

Happy 9th Birthday to our beloved son, Nio!!!
Nio woke up at 6:30pm, and I “presented” him with his birthday breakfast. He was thrilled and couldn’t wait for his “real” birthday cake to be presented tonight 🙂  (I made him an angry bird cake, but he had no idea thus far.)

龐龐一早6點半就起來了,我立即對他說生日快樂時,他說:” Mommy,我還沒生出來,你的肚子現在還在痛 (9年前此時)。I love you mommy!” 真不愧是我的甜蜜寶貝,再多苦難能換來你的笑容都是值得的~ 兩個月前,我對Nio說每年都幫你辦生日Party, 今年可以讓mommy休息一次嗎?龐兒也馬上同意~ 那麽今年就要一早開始,我亂亂做的Tiramisu恐龍公園給Nio當早餐,他也滿足的很 (重頭戲蛋糕要晚上才驚喜)! Image

We then watched『BRAVE』for the birthday movie tradition, a very good movie that earned lotta tears. We are still talking about the movie over our lunch — at Texas Road House.

Great Jump Sport, the next activity on Nio’s birthday agenda. We purchased 2 hours package, but me myself could only last one hour on it… Shame on my old bones… Yet, super fun! 繼恐龍蛋糕生日歌早餐-〉電影-〉牛排餐-〉之後的這個活動讓我不得不承認我的身體要多動動才行啦~ 一家子一起追趕跑跳踫, 除了壽星,我和Jimmy也玩到開心爆!!

Nio is not only glad that he gave in the idea to skip a birthday party this year, but also learned that birthday can be just as fun spending with his parents. My strategy worked, haha~回到家後,Nio看到成堆的禮物喜出望外。我出門前放好的禮物,包括爺爺奶奶,河馬姨,舅舅,和朋友,及我和Jimmy的。Nio了解到原來不辦生日Party,也可以那麽開心!

I’d say the high point of the day was when I surprised Nio with his Angry Bird birthday cake! He gave me xoxo and told me afterwards what he’d made for his birthday wish before blowing out the candle; “I wish you and daddy don’t work so hard for me all the time.” I’m proud to have one very kind and considerate son! 龐龐果然完全沒有想到他還有一個憤怒鳥蛋糕。先是高興的跳著叫著,突然間卻靜下來表情都變了,雖然他很努力的不想被我發現,但是我的確看到他的眼眶紅了。我假裝沒看見。吹完蠟燭後來他告訴我,他許的願是不想讓我和Jimmy常常為他那麽費事兒~ 兒子啊,我們知道你貼心,但是Mommy希望你能把這一年一次的生日願望用在你身上就好:) 


Time flies extremly fast since the April Spring Concert. There are consistanly activities going on and I didn’t even have time to count my days. When I finally sit down to catch my breath, it is already in semester end.

除了之前的春季school concert & 教堂鋼琴表演等等的活動外,我把學期末的9個活動剪接在一起了。這樣一次分享咯~ 也難怪我的免疫系統出了問題,真的是高興了小朋友,累死了家長。今天義工完學校後,剩下周六的一個活動,然後我們周日就要搭Jimmy出差的機會來跟去Las Vegas度假一星期了。


一個兒子就讓我那麽忙,有兩個應該不是兩頭燒,就是完全放棄的放牛吃草吧~ 只能說我的個性絕對不適合有太多的孩子,我太愛全程參與了啦!!