
這一陣子 天天和Nio一起泡湯 (Gosh, am I not worried about my next Water bill) 湯包品種用了幾十款 其中還是覺得Sea Salt類比粉類或皂類洗完皮膚軟滑些. I love the kind I bought in Japan, it claims that bathing 20 min equals 20 min work out. You’ll keep on sweating even after you get out from the bath. We paid $4,725 Japanese Yen (about $45 USD) and was a bit hesitated. Yet, once you try it, you will love it.  I couldn’t find anything like this here in the bay area though instead I bought one in Target today, it smells just like it says "Refreshing Lychee", most importantly it just cost me $14, only it wouldn’t make you sweat and burning calories.
"NeoStrata", I have been using it for a month now, I could see a big improvement on my skin texture. "Olay Definity" is a  surprise for me though, cuz I basically bought it due to its SPF protection, using it as a sunblock. Amazingly, it does keep what it promised, my skin’s hydrated and glowing.
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一直被我號稱小惡魔的Nio 近來突然晉升為小天使 要不是因為進出的場合 人人都不斷的誇讚的Nio話 說真的 我一直覺得his well behavior is nothing unusual to me at all. 等我恍然大悟時 心情…超罪惡 這兩天猛以物質補償 Ice cream, lollipops, chocolate Fondue and toys. 當Nio收下兩根lollipops時 還自己把另一根收起來說一根就夠了
是怎樣啊 我平常真的那麼專嗎!! 媽咪這幾天會好好反省反省 (糟就糟在 我很會反省 卻極少付諸行動….)
Pic 1. Nio with Chocolate Fondue. Pic 2. Fondue Gadget. Pic 3. Spinach Breakfast. Pic 4. Ribs Dinner at home

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Nio is 4, and he was able to sit through 5 hours for two movies, Water Horse and 27 Dresses. Of course he whined a bit in between, "How come the movie is this long?" "Can we go home now?" Yet, as soon as I told him that movies are usually long and he should stop asking. "When it ends, it ends, you will know immediately." He then sat through quietly.
In return for Nio’s well behavior after the movies, Jimmy and I decided to get him "冰冰"~ Nio Hoorayed. 
As usual, Nio didn’t get to pick the flavor and kind… we bought him a "natural juice" and "low sugar" ice pop. He licked and muttered "好像藥的味道…." I told him to either keep on eating or else.
Today, I tried the ice pop myself… darn…. it is so very disgusting!!!!! Ohhhhh…. all of sudden, I feel terribly sorry to Nio, such a sweetheart… Tomorrow, I have to and have to, take Nio to have ice cream of his choice, for sure!


小時候 印象裏 保母是弟弟和我的最佳良伴 因為爸媽是非常忙碌的 一個月見不上幾次面 也極少有媽媽下廚的印象 因此幾年前爸媽決定放棄工作來蹲移民監時 很意外的發現媽媽的廚藝不俗 她說來前花了十多萬去學 而且她要把年輕那幾十年的份都煮回來 因此她一頭栽進柴米油鹽的世界 這一下子在美國呆了九年 說真的 已經無法想像她以前是個女強人….
2005年底因為我們外派上海的原故 她又有機會再去Taiwan進修她的廚藝了 email來的相片 讓我好餓喔~~~下個月媽媽來 應該先讓自己瘦十磅"備用著".
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說好了 今天來我家紅油抄手研討會 Sharon, Charlene和我因為想吃又不懂做 經過七嘴八舌 三拼四湊一番 很快的把紅油抄手"誠心"的做出來啦!! Rick和Judy從頭到尾在旁邊插不上手 但對成品超有意見的 Rick說味兒不對 一定要加芝麻醬 我加了花生醬湊數 Judy說抄手太大粒 吃了會膩 至於我們三人道是沒太多的想法 雖然良心說還真的滿不像的 但是說真的 不要當它们是紅油抄手的話 還不錯吃啦 小朋友们自己也滿捧自己包的Chicken Nugget抄手的 吃●光●光!! 
撇開這紅油非抄手 今天還是一場成功的歐巴桑聚會喔! (Plus one 歐吉桑Rick)
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就是要完美 – Rocket DIY

最近Nio一看到鏡頭對著他 馬上"進入狀況"裝模作樣擺起Pose來 像他在做Rocket 我拿起digital camera想捕捉他專心可愛的樣子 "自然點 Mommy想拍你自己動手做的過程"我說. 但是他立刻做作起來 我再度強調 "就自然就好 像沒在拍照一樣".
Nio就一副完全體會融會貫通的模樣告訴我說 "我很自然啊 我都沒有看camera啊!"
可..可…明明…就是還是很做作啊…… 因為Nio會定格.

Quite a week~

1/7~1/8 — Good that it only took two business days to get my car repaired. Driving this rental Altima is making me nervous. I guess I am not used to those low seaters cars anymore. I feel like I could see further when driving my Sienna.

1/10 — Gosh, I talk about get on the plan to lose weight for months, however, I just couldn’t resist the crab meal that Sharon prepared for Charlene and I. I could actually finish the whole plate if I had enough time to get the first load digested, bad and good that all moms were in needed to pick up children from schools. 
1/11 — I spent about $200 in two days buying Nio toys. I wanted to get the "Fisher Price Smart Cycle" since last October, and I have been hoping and searching to buy it at bargain price such as on black Friday or after Christmas sales. Finally it came down to $89.99 last week. In addition, Sharon called and informed me about this Target 75% off toys sales, I ended up stuck in the store for 2 hours… shopping can be addicted and especially when it comes to good price.  
1/20 — My junior high classmate, Cecelia, is now in the US for the first time due to her business trip. We decided to take her up to the city, Union Square for the shops and Treasure Island for the views. But yet, Union Square was pretty much dead by the time we got there. It didn’t actually effect us all cuz we had so much to catch up from 6 years not seeing each other. "老友如酒,越陈越醇" indeed. ** arr..forgot to take pictures together 😦

南加州Theme Parks之旅–Sea World, Legoland, Disneyland, CA Advanture!

12/25 Jimmy當年伊朗一起長大的朋友Jeff  現在結婚生子住在香港 我們約定今年聖誕節假期一起開車到南加州去玩.
12/26 San Diego Sea World, 說真的 還滿難玩的 又小又沒啥Rides, 超不值票價! 兩家人才四點多便意興闌珊 早早打道回府 我們的Hotel "Hilton Torry Pines La Jolla" 雖貴 但是風景超美, (房間相對上就普普) 就在高爾夫球場及海邊喔 住了兩晚 亂奢華的~

12/27 一到Legoland 我和Jimmy比Nio還興奮 正玩的意猶未盡說 就接近七點Park關門時間了 都還沒Lego Shoppingㄋㄟ…. 下次再來呗!!

12/28 Oh my god~~~~ 沒見過Disneyland這麼多人過 這人潮之壯觀 除了在上海見識過外 在美國還是第一次 由於人太多 一個Ride竟然要排1.5 hours以上 加上園區內寸步難行 上廁所和買食物都人滿為患 歷經七小時折騰 玩不過兩樣 加上又冷又餓 痛定思痛 和Jimmy研討對策 細讀Disneyland & Advanture Maps, 決定明天用新的戰略捲土重來!!

12/29 哈哈哈!! 蒼海三聲笑 ~ 八點Disneyland開園就準時到 人少排隊快 加上FastPass算好的時間 三小時內已經玩了好幾個 Nio最迷Buzz Lightyear 最怕Space Mt. 進Small World還會跳舞搖頭跟唱 Shark的face painting讓Nio樂上一整天.
十一點左右Disneylad人潮漸增 我們從容的出園飽餐一頓 由於Advanture十點才開園 我們算好吃飯完入園  果然 人還算不太多 停留一下 按計畫回Hotel小睡. 晚上在Hotel Lobby吃了一頓好吃的 Now養精蓄銳過後再度出發到Advanture 玩到十點關園 此時殺回Disneyland 人潮已經減少 我們大玩特玩起來 凌晨一點才回到Hotel…
今天的戰略大成功 不過這樣玩起來 勞累爆我和Jimmy近40歲的身軀… 但是看著Nio滿足熟睡的臉 做傻父母也甘願了啦~